
"Lighting is image processing at the speed of light"

The necessary condition for perfect image processing is always optimal lighting. A conventional lamp is totally insufficient, since you need to do far more than simply cast light across a surface. Instead, the lighting must provide constant, homogeneous light even under harsh (industrial) conditions. Potential external influences, such as vibration from machines, must not interfere with quality in any way. This requires special systems and methods. Because in the end, lighting is the foremost tool at your disposal when it comes to rendering test characteristics or measurement points visible.

Light sources

Numerous different light sources are still in use in image processing. However, the frequency with which they are employed varies significantly. Light sources used include:

  • LED lighting
  • Metal halide light sources ("cold light sources" with fibre-optic transmission)
  • Laser lights
  • Fluorescent light (high-frequency)
  • Halogen bulbs
Beleuchtung - Ringlicht

Compared to other light sources, the share of LED lighting has increased significantly. The advantages inherent in using this technology are significant. Small dimensions in conjunction with the requisite ruggedness give LEDs enormous flexibility. The technology has also won over users with its extremely rapid response times and a useful lifetime of up to 30,000 hours. This combination provides LED lighting with an outstanding price to performance ratio, and is yet another reason for the success of this technology.

LEDs have now managed to take hold even in the field of fibre-optic lighting, which until now has been dominated primarily by halogen and metal halide colour light sources. For instance, the Swiss company Volpi, one of the leading manufacturers of cold light sources, has now decided to use LED technology. Employing an innovative procedure, the cold light is generated by small LEDs instead of the customary metal halide lamps. In this way, the benefits inherent in LEDs are intelligently combined with those of fibre-optic lighting.

Laser lighting involves the creation of a light structure that is cast onto an object and then recorded by means of a downstream camera. Employing fixed variables like the known angles between the camera and object, it is then possible to measure height differences and profiles of the object to be tested.

Light sources emitting fluorescent light as well as sources based on halogen bulbs play a subordinate role in lighting for industrial image processing applications. They are generally only used in special applications, and even then they are frequently only useful in individual cases.

Lighting methods & Our range:

Our range of lighting is meant to satisfy precisely those requirements that you specify for optimal image processing. Our product portfolio therefore features a huge variety of shapes, colours and sizes:

  • Ring lights
  • Flachlichter
  • Flat lights
  • Dome lights
  • Coaxial lights
  • Strip lights
  • Line scan camera lights
  • Spotlights
  • UV lights
  • Fibre-optic lights
  • Flash actuation
  • Lighting for fluorescence excitation
  • Alle oben genannten Ausführungen sind in den Lichtfarben: Weiß, Rot, Blau, Grün und als UV-Licht erhältlich.

Naturally, we also provide customised solutions beyond our "standard offering". For example, we can create LEDs lights tailored to your exact specifications.

Simply get in touch with us:

Tel.: +49 5031 / 94943-20